Determine the Division of Mixed Numbers 27/16 and 93/58 easily using the Mixed Numbers Calculator and get the step by step process involved.

Elaborate Solution to find Division of Mixed Numbers 27/16 and 93/58

The given mixed numbers are 27/16 and 93/58

Converting 27/16 mix number to fraction

Given Mixed Number is 2 7/16

A Mixed Number is an addition of it's whole number and fractional parts.

The Whole Number is 2 and the fractional part is 7/16.

On adding them, they can be written as:

2/1 + 7/16

The L.C.M of the denominators 1 and 16 is 16.

The numerator of the first fraction 2 is multiplied with the denominator of the second fraction 16.

2 x 16 + 7/16

32 + 7/16

After multiplying, the numerators 32 and 7 should be added.


The fraction value we get is 39/16.

After converting the Mixed Number 2 7/16 to the Improper Fraction,the result is 39/16.

Converting 93/58 mix number to fraction

Given Mixed Number is 9 3/58

A Mixed Number is an addition of it's whole number and fractional parts.

The Whole Number is 9 and the fractional part is 3/58.

On adding them, they can be written as:

9/1 + 3/58

The L.C.M of the denominators 1 and 58 is 58.

The numerator of the first fraction 9 is multiplied with the denominator of the second fraction 58.

9 x 58 + 3/58

522 + 3/58

After multiplying, the numerators 522 and 3 should be added.


The fraction value we get is 525/58.

After converting the Mixed Number 9 3/58 to the Improper Fraction,the result is 525/58.

Dividing fractions 39/16 and 525/58

The given fractions are 39/16 and 525/58

On dividing the both fractions,39/16 ÷ 525/58

Then the denominator of the first fraction i.e., 16 will comes to the numerator of the second fraction and gets multiplied,

And in the same way,the denominator of the second fraction i.e., 58 will comes to the numerator of the first fraction and gets multiplied:

39/16 ÷ 525/58 = 39 x 58/16 x 525

On Multiplying the denominators and the numerators,the fraction value we get,


Result: 377/1400