4/8,2/8,7/4,4 7/43 determine the order of fractions from least to greatest by using our free online Ordering Fractions Calculator & attain the result in no time.

Ordering Fractions of

Find the Order of 4/8,2/8,7/4,4 7/43 from Least to Greatest

Convert Mix Number 4 7/43 to fraction i.e. 179/43

Given Mixed Number is 4 7/43

A Mixed Number is an addition of it's whole number and fractional parts.

The Whole Number is 4 and the fractional part is 7/43.

On adding them, they can be written as:

4/1 + 7/43

The L.C.M of the denominators 1 and 43 is 43.

The numerator of the first fraction 4 is multiplied with the denominator of the second fraction 43.

4 x 43 + 7/43

172 + 7/43

After multiplying, the numerators 172 and 7 should be added.


The fraction value we get is 179/43.

After converting the Mixed Number 4 7/43 to the Improper Fraction,the result is 179/43.

The given inputs are 4/8,2/8,7/4,4 7/43

After coverting each input to fraction format we get 4/8,2/8,7/4,179/43

Separate the denominators 8,8,4,43

Calculate the LCM of 8,8,4,43 i.e. 344

Finding LCM of 8,8,4,43 by Common Division

Arrange the Inputs 8,8,4,43 in a horizontal line separated by commas and divide them with a prime number. Note the quotients in the next row and divide with quotients with prime numbers again. Continue the process until you have all co primes in the last.

2 8, 8, 4, 43
2 4, 4, 2, 43
2 1, 2, 2, 43
1, 1, 1, 43

As all the numbers left in the last row are co primes you need not do the common division process further.

To obtain the Least Common Multiple, multiply the prime numbers with which you have divided the given numbers and the co primes in the last row i.e. 2 x 2 x 2 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 43 = 344

Therefore, LCM of 8,8,4,43 is 344

Finding LCM of 8,8,4,43 using GCF Formula


Let's calculate the LCM of first two numbers

The formula of LCM is LCM(a,b) = ( a x b) / GCF(a,b)

GCF(8, 8) = 8

LCM(8, 8) = ( 8 x 8 ) / 8

LCM(8, 8) = 64 / 8

LCM(8, 8) = 8


Here we consider the LCM from the above i.e. 8 as first number and the next as 4

The formula of LCM is LCM(a,b) = ( a x b) / GCF(a,b)

GCF(8, 4) = 4

LCM(8, 4) = ( 8 x 4 ) / 4

LCM(8, 4) = 32 / 4

LCM(8, 4) = 8


Here we consider the LCM from the above i.e. 8 as first number and the next as 43

The formula of LCM is LCM(a,b) = ( a x b) / GCF(a,b)

GCF(8, 43) = 1

LCM(8, 43) = ( 8 x 43 ) / 1

LCM(8, 43) = 344 / 1

LCM(8, 43) = 344

LCM of 8,8,4,43 is 344

Fractions after converting to a common denominator


Arrange fractions in ascending order

86/344 < 172/344 < 602/344 < 1432/344

Ascending Order arrangements from Least to Greatest we get:

2/8 < 4/8 < 7/4 < 4 7/43

FAQs on 4/8,2/8,7/4,4 7/43 Ordering Fractions From Least to Greatest

1. What is the ascending order of 4/8,2/8,7/4,4 7/43 ?

The order of 4/8,2/8,7/4,4 7/43 from least to greatest is 2/8 < 4/8 < 7/4 < 4 7/43

2. How to Order 4/8,2/8,7/4,4 7/43 from least to greatest?

To order a given set of fractions 4/8,2/8,7/4,4 7/43 in ascending order from least to greatest, first, convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions and then find the LCD. Later, rewrite the equivalent fractions with the LCD and sort the list with the numerators of equivalent fractions to get final order of fractions ie., 2/8 < 4/8 < 7/4 < 4 7/43 .

3. How to Sort 4/8,2/8,7/4,4 7/43 list of fractions using a calculator?

Make use of the Ordering fractions calculator and enter the input set of fractions 4/8,2/8,7/4,4 7/43 and click on the calculate button to see the result ie., 2/8 < 4/8 < 7/4 < 4 7/43 .