Ordering Fractions Calculator
Make use of this free tool to get the values in order form. Altogether you have to do is enter all types of fractions seperated by commas and hit the calculate button, so that you will see the answer instantly.
Ex: 1/5,3/4,9(1/12),5/8 (or) 1/5,3/4,0.35,35%,5/8 (or) 1/5,3/4,35/100,35%,5/8
What is meant by Ordering Fractions?
Ordering Fractions is nothing but arranging any type of fractions in a sequence. We need to sort the fractions based on their size. Now, if you want to order fractions, we have two methods and you can follow any one of them.
First method is you can convert all the fractions into decimals and you can compare them. And the second method is list the fractions by taking Least common denominator (LCD).
How to order fractions from least to greatest?
Steps to arrange fractions can be done easily by using this ordering fractions calculator provided by Multiplyfractions.com. And if you are also looking for ordering fractions manually. Here, we have discussed step by step process. check it!
- Firstly, check the problem in what type they have given like fractions or numbers. And then if they are integers and mixed numbers convert them into improper fractions.
- Then, you need to find the least common denominator LCD for all the fractions.
- Next, change each fraction into the simple fraction using the LCD.
- Now, see the numerators of the new fractions and arrange them in ascending or descending order.
- After completion of everything, rewrite each fraction as the original fraction, mixed number, or integer value to see the concluding order of a given set of fractions.
- We are also having another method to order fractions, that first we need to convert fractions into decimals and then order them.
Ordering Fractions with Examples
Example 1
Question 1: Find the order of 18, 172/15, 18/5, 0.58, 78% from least to greatest?
Solution: By using Method1(LCD)
The given details are 18, 172/15, 18/5, 0.58, 78%
Convert 0.58 decimal to fraction
0.58 = 29/50
Convert 78% to fraction
78% = 39/50
240/280, 245/280, 3325/280, 3528/280
After converting into fraction form we get 18/1, 172/15, 18/5, 29/50, 39/50
Seperate the denominators 1, 15, 5, 50, 50
L.C.M of 1, 15, 5, 50, 50 is 150
Fractions after converting to a common denominator
2700/150, 1720/150, 540/150, 87/150, 117/150
Arrange fractions in ascending order 87/150 < 117/150 < 540/150 < 1720/150 < 2700/150
Arrangement of given numbers from least to greatest is 0.58, 78%, 18/5, 172/15, 18.
Question 2: Order the given Fractions 63/5,6/7,95/8,7/8 from least to greatest form?
Solution: By Using Method 2 (convert to decimals)
Given, inputs are 63/5,6/7,95/8,7/8
Convert all fractions into decimal forms
63/5 = 12.60, 6/7=0.85, 95/8= 11.8, 7/8= 0.87
Least to greatest form is o.85,0.87,11.8,12.60
Final order is 6/7,7/8,63/5,95/8
Example 2
Question 1: Order the given Fractions 63/5,6/7,95/8,7/8 from least to greatest form?
Solution: By using Method1(LCD)
Given, inputs are 63/5,6/7,95/8,7/8
Least common denominator for this fractions is 280.
By using LCD, write the simple fractions.
3528/280, 240/280, 3325/280, 245/280
As denominators are same, now you need to form numerators in least to greatest
240/280, 245/280, 3325/280, 3528/280
Now the final order is 6/7 < 7/8 < 95/8 < 63/5
Question 2: Order the given Fractions 63/5,6/7,95/8,7/8 from least to greatest form?
Solution: By Using Method 2 (convert to decimals)
Given, inputs are 63/5,6/7,95/8,7/8
Convert all fractions into decimal forms
63/5 = 12.60, 6/7=0.85, 95/8= 11.8, 7/8= 0.87
Least to greatest form is o.85,0.87,11.8,12.60
Final order is 6/7,7/8,63/5,95/8
Quickly click on this link Multiplyfractions.com to know more other types of calculators.
FAQs on Ordering Fractions Calculator
1. How can we arrange fractions in order?
Fractions can be arranged in 2 methods. One is by finding LCD, and the second one is finding decimal numbers. By using these 2 methods we can arrange them in order
2. How to Use this Ordering Fractions Calculator?
You need to provide the input set of fractions in the input field and tap on the calculate button to get the output easily and quickly with detailed steps.
3. In How many ways we can Order Fractions?
We can arrange fractions from least to greatest(Ascending order) or greatest to least (descending order)
4. Where can i find the detailed process to get the Ordering Fractions?
You can get a detailed procedure to get the Ordering Fractions in detail at Multiplyfractions.com in Ordering fractions calculator.