Dividing Fractions Calculator determines the fractions division between fractions 40/42 and 51/58 i.e. 1160/1071 through a quick and easy way.

Ex: 2/5÷5/10 (or) 4/9÷6/22 (or) 5/34÷7/15


Detailed Solution for the division of fractions 40/42 and 51/58

The given fractions are 40/42 and 51/58

On dividing the both fractions,40/42 ÷ 51/58

Then the denominator of the first fraction i.e., 42 will comes to the numerator of the second fraction and gets multiplied,

And in the same way,the denominator of the second fraction i.e., 58 will comes to the numerator of the first fraction and gets multiplied:

40/42 ÷ 51/58 = 40 x 58/42 x 51

On Multiplying the denominators and the numerators,the fraction value we get,


Result: 1160/1071

FAQs on Division Fractions of 40/42 and 51/58

1. How do you divide fractions 40/42 and 51/58?

You can divide fractions 40/42 and 51/58 by following the below steps.

  • Initially, Flip the second fraction
  • After that multiply the fractions first and reciprocal one
  • You will get the resultant output i.e. division of fractions 1160/1071 on multiplying the numerators and denominators individually.

2. What is division of fractions 40/42 and 51/58?

Division of fractions 40/42 and 51/58 is 1160/1071 .

3. How to divide fractions40/42 and 51/58on a calculator?

You can divide fractions 40/42 and 51/58 on a calculator by simply placing the "÷" sign and clicking on the enter button.