Determine the Multiplication of Mixed Numbers 63/9 and 33/9 easily using the Mixed Numbers Calculator and get the step by step process involved.

Elaborate Solution to find Multiplication of Mixed Numbers 63/9 and 33/9

The given mixed numbers are 63/9 and 33/9

Converting 63/9 mix number to fraction

Given Mixed Number is 6 3/9

A Mixed Number is an addition of it's whole number and fractional parts.

The Whole Number is 6 and the fractional part is 3/9.

On adding them, they can be written as:

6/1 + 3/9

The L.C.M of the denominators 1 and 9 is 9.

The numerator of the first fraction 6 is multiplied with the denominator of the second fraction 9.

6 x 9 + 3/9

54 + 3/9

After multiplying, the numerators 54 and 3 should be added.


The fraction value we get is 57/9.

On simplifying the fraction,we get:


After converting the Mixed Number 6 3/9 to the Improper Fraction,the result is 19/3.

Converting 33/9 mix number to fraction

Given Mixed Number is 3 3/9

A Mixed Number is an addition of it's whole number and fractional parts.

The Whole Number is 3 and the fractional part is 3/9.

On adding them, they can be written as:

3/1 + 3/9

The L.C.M of the denominators 1 and 9 is 9.

The numerator of the first fraction 3 is multiplied with the denominator of the second fraction 9.

3 x 9 + 3/9

27 + 3/9

After multiplying, the numerators 27 and 3 should be added.


The fraction value we get is 30/9.

On simplifying the fraction,we get:


After converting the Mixed Number 3 3/9 to the Improper Fraction,the result is 10/3.

Multiplying fractions 19/3 and 10/3

The given fractions are 19/3 and 10/3

Firstly the numerators 19 and 10 are multiplied and

Then the denominators 3 and 3 are multiplied

= 19 x 10/3 x 3

= 190/9

The Fraction Value we get,

Result: 190/9

In order to get the Mixed Number,we need to divide 190 ÷ 9 to get the Quotient and Remainder

190 divided by 9 using long division

The given Divisor = 9 and Dividend = 190


The Quotient is 21 and the Remainder is 1

We get the Quotient = 21 and Remainder = 1

∵ The Mixed-Fraction can be written as QuotientRemainder/Denominator

Result: 21 1/9